The most important supply to have on the first day of school is a three ring binder with 6 loose (flipable, not built in dividers.) Students use their binders to store their work, learn important organizational skills, reflect on their progress, make goals for each quarter, and share their work with you at their student led conference. It's important students have their binder in class every day.
IF you want to set up your binder for the first day of school... You will need 6 dividers. Grab a Sharpie and label them in this order: R (for reading) W (for writing) M (for math) 1 (Exp 1) 2 (Exp 2) 3 (Exp 3) That's it! It's also smart to write your name on the inside cover of your binder in case it gets lost. If you like, you can also load all your coloring supplies into your supply box/supply pocket too. See you soon! *Any extra packets of dividers you are able to donate will help students without on the first day of school!
Student Led Conferences (SLC)
Students gain power and ownership over their learning through Student Led Conferences. In a student led conference students are asked to attend and lead a portion of the conference. Students are active participants in their goals and education.
At the conference students will share recent projects with you. Then we'll all set down together and discuss goals and suggestions for the next quarter. There are no time restraints during student led conferences. You will receive a conference time, but may stay as long as you like. Most importantly these conferences give you and your child a special time to celebrate their success and make goals for the future.