Monday-Thursday 8:15 Good morning and Pledge 8:25 Math Lesson 9:30 P.E./ Music 10:00 Word Study 10:30 Exploration A 11:15 Exploration B 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Recess 1:00 Reading 1:30 Writing 2:00 Self Selected Reading and Conferences/ Library (Monday) 2:30 Jobs 2:45 Bye!
Friday 8:15 Good Morning and Pledge 8:25 Lit Centers: Writer's Workshop, S.S.R., & Spelling Quiz 9:30 Author's Chair 9:45 Math 10:45 Review Newsletter and Good Morning Barnette 11:00 Literacy Lesson 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Recess 1:00 Art with Ms. Trainor 1:30 Friday Fun 2:00 Class Meeting/ Counseling 2:30 Jobs 2:45 Dismissal