For math students use the iReady math program as well as daily fact practice (+, -, x.) Each day students receive a short whole class lesson, independent work, fact practice, individualized self-paced math instruction, and math games when they finish.
Details on the current math lesson can be found on our class newsletter (emailed each Friday.) Students may also work on My Path (individualized, self-paced instruction) at home for additional practice (see directions below.)
Below you will find links to help your child improve their automaticity with math facts online. We can also send home additional fact practice worksheets if you prefer practice on paper. Below we also included a few math websites that offer educational math games for your child to play for fun or an extra challenge depending on the level they choose.
To access My Path at home for individualized reading/math lessons: Log into Google (s#@, and their school password) Click on the k12northstarbookmarks tab Click iReady-mypath-math *You do not need to help students on My Path as it will auto adjust their instruction to what they need.